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Seashore Art
Our seashore art work is Authentic and one of a kind and therefor priceless.

Authenticity refers to the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions.

Authentic means not counterfeit or copied.

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Authentic: Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief, Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit.

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According to the OED the adjective authentic is something of undisputed origin; genuine. Synonyms: accurate, factual, legitimate & original.

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What is the difference between Authentic and Genuine?

Princeton define authentic as not counterfeit or copied and genuine as not fake or counterfeit so essentially there is  no difference.

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Eliminate the fake and the superfluous.

In creating new opportunities, technological progress sometimes leads to areas of excess. In the 19th century, mechanized mass production allowed for ornaments to be stamped out quickly and cheaply, leading to goods over decorated with ornament. A similar thing occurred in recent years, when display and styling technologies enabled designers to create visually rich interfaces, leading to imitation and stylistic excesses.
In its desire for authenticity, the Modern design movement curbed the ornamental excess of the 19th century, making design fit the age of mass production. Today, we’re seeing the same desire for authenticity manifest itself in the “flat” trend, which rejects skeuomorphism and excessive visuals for simpler, cleaner, content-focused designs.

Historically, handcrafted decoration has been expensive to produce, serving as a symbol of wealth and luxury. With the advent of mechanization, imitations of those same sought-after ornaments could be stamped out cheaply and quickly. Rather than stop and think about what sort of design would be best suited for mass production, manufacturers jumped at the opportunity to copy historicized styles at low cost. The result was the flood of garish, low-quality products that Adolf Loos, along with other pioneers of modern design, railed against.

In The Decorative Art of Today, famed architect Le Corbusier bluntly asserted that trash is abundantly decorated, and that, “The luxury object is well-made, neat and clean, pure and healthy, and its bareness reveals the quality of its manufacture. It is to industry that we owe the reversal in this state of affairs: a cast-iron stove overflowing with decoration costs less than a plain one; amidst the surging leaf patterns flaws in the casting cannot be seen.”

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